【 愚公移山】博客(部落格)
蔣勳是詮釋文學與美學的發言者,1947年生於西安,福建長樂人。畢業於中國文化大學 史學系、藝術研究所。現任《聯合文學》社長。其文筆清麗流暢,兼具感性與理性之美,1 972年負笈法國巴黎大學藝術研究所,在人文思潮的起源地巴黎,孕育出其更從容率性的 生活態度。其作品涉略極廣,在藝術體系中灌注人文感性,用文字線條拉出豐富的視覺意象 ,其將生活經驗及美學背景重組融會成令人驚豔的美。著有小說、散文、藝術論述等作品數 十種,並多次舉辦畫展,深獲各界好評。最愛的創作是寫詩。
Chiang Hsun is an influential contemporary poet and author. He was born in Xian in 1947 and grew up in Taiwan. He graduated from Chinese Culture University Department of History and Graduate Institute of Art. In 1972, he started his new phase of life as a student at the Institute of Art in University of Paris.
During his stay in Paris, he immersed himself in art . He emphasized the value of humanity and incorporated in his work. Chiang has published numerous novels, poems, prose and art criticisms. He enjoys composing poems the most among all. He has held several painting exhibitions which also received great remarks.
TEDxTaipei : http://tedxtaipei.com/
TEDxTaipei 2012 - The Future is Now : http://tedxtaipei.com/the-future-is-now/
Chiang Hsun is an influential contemporary poet and author. He was born in Xian in 1947 and grew up in Taiwan. He graduated from Chinese Culture University Department of History and Graduate Institute of Art. In 1972, he started his new phase of life as a student at the Institute of Art in University of Paris.
During his stay in Paris, he immersed himself in art . He emphasized the value of humanity and incorporated in his work. Chiang has published numerous novels, poems, prose and art criticisms. He enjoys composing poems the most among all. He has held several painting exhibitions which also received great remarks.
TEDxTaipei : http://tedxtaipei.com/
TEDxTaipei 2012 - The Future is Now : http://tedxtaipei.com/the-future-is-now/