2014年7月22日 星期二

[美麗天使的愛心緣]--- Angel Alice visited her sponsor child Yesli in Guatemala.... 轉輯/新愚公


[美麗天使的愛心緣]--- Angel Alice visited her sponsor child Yesli in Guatemala....   
       【 美麗天使愛麗絲的7年慈善捐助,讓人各天涯,素昧平生的两顆心,相遇、相愛,喜結善緣。這人生的動人故事蕩世涤浊,爲這天地添彩加分不少。】                  

World Vision Australia

We received this message from Alice, who visited her sponsor child Yesli in Guatemala:
“I was a little nervous to finally meet Yesli and her family, as I had been sponsoring her for seven years, so I had often thought about one day making the trip to Guatemala. When Yesli and her mother, father and younger brother walked into the room, they became a little shy as we were all introduced. However, after only a few minutes they were openly sharing the details of their daily lives with me.
I was able to learn more about Yesli's school, the family's farm and how they earned money at the markets by selling fresh produce. They spoke about some of the hardships they still face as their town is very poor, and about the support and guidance that World Vision continues to provide. The family even brought me a big bag of fresh peaches from their farm!”
If you’d like to visit your sponsor child like Alice did, take a look here: http://wva.me/sponsor_visit
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